More to the point of this post, just half an hour ago, I finished the last bite of coconut red curry I made all by myself at an awesome Thai cooking class.
OK, maybe I didn't make it all by myself. Or the stir fried chicken and cashews, or the bomb papaya salad.
Oh I am so full. And quite smitten, with my teacher Gai.
It felt so good to stir fry on a wok, and dice things with a meat cleaver and pummel them in a mortar and pestel. And our group was super sweet. Here I am wokkin' it up with Juliette's very nice boyfriend Seb.
God willing, my stomach will hold up and I'll be able to continue to enjoy the culinary delights of South East Asia. I'll keep you posted of course...and I'm making you a giant feast when I get back!
Much love,
ps - Tomorrow, I'm going to the dentist. Thailand is know for it's cheap, quality dental care. I asked the dentist how much my filling will cost ($250 in the US), and he says, "Under $30." Yes! Krouzman 7, Global Economy 3.
Is this just some kind of ploy to get us to remember how good you look in an apron?
Hey, I didn't say anything.
It's a picture of Juliette.
Haven't you repeatedly pointed out that she has a boyfriend? Actually isn't there a picture of him just a few inches above this?
Shameless, Krouzman.
I know, I know. But look at her! Plus I'm quite proud of this pic.
1 comment:
Hi try this Thai cooking site.
You'll love it
It's got about 30 recipes each one with a cooking video to go along.
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